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| | | Never having tried to delete a subscriber, that hadn't leapt out at me until you pointed it out. I assumed it was a wp.com blog because I was able to put together the user's name w/ wordpress.com and arrive at a private wp.com blog; the poster must be speaking of a different blog, in this case. Thanks for pointing that out! | | | | | |
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| | | When you go to view the gallery the images are restricted to 500px instead of allowing them to be viewed at the 720px they were saved at. When I insert a photo it works fine but with the gallery it stays restricted? Thank you for taking a look!! | | | | | |
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| | | Wow, thank you! I will do all this and see if I can do it! I apologize for all my questions. I promise I'll figure the rest out on my own. | | | | | |
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| | | I want to remove or disable moderation Links contained on the sidebar of the HOME page (as the default page of wordpress). Because I want inside of my HOME page there are only contained Search and Post, no links moderation, no comment moderation. Could you help me, please! Blog url: http://wismagarminah.wordpress.com/ | | | | | |
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| | | I hope that you kept a note of who it was and sent it to the staff. It's unlikely that they were able to follow you through your -- or their -- gravatar. That link would show up regardless. Did you check out who they were? It is very odd, and I can imagine that it must have been quite upsetting to discover -- especially since the subscription began more than 9 months ago. I think you should report it to staff so that they can make sure there isn't a bug that's allowing this to happen to others with a private blog. | | | | | |
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| | | Thanks for answering me. I appreciate the time put in. Unfortunately, I have tried inserting that code where I think it should go. And it works when you check your page but then the next time you go to your blog page, it's back to the way it was before and the code is no longer there. I'm sure that I am not doing it right. I have knowledge or understanding of html. Could you be more specific on where exactly to insert the code? Here's the link to our page: http://outofourmindstoyours.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=347&action=edit I am hoping you can see our edit page in html. But don't laugh (or cuss) at me if that didn't work! here's the page link: http://outofourmindstoyours.wordpress.com/get-it-done-wednesdays/ here's a cut and pasted example of two pictures from our page in html: href="http://outofourmindstoyours.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/p7128323.jpg"><span style="color:#000000;"><img class="size-medium wp-image-400" title="OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA" src="http://outofourmindstoyours.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/p7128323.jpg?w=300" alt="" width="300" height="225" /></span></span>[/caption] [caption id="attachment_401" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="A closer look (as if we wanted to see this mess closer!)"]<img class="size-medium wp-image-401" title="OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA" src="http://outofourmindstoyours.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/p7128325.jpg?w=300" alt="" width="300" height="225" />[/caption] I am assuming the line ending with [/caption] is the last of the picture code information. Do I insert the code on the same line as [/caption], right after it with no space, (which I have tried to no avail). Do I put a period then the code with no space between (which I tried to no avail) or a space between them? Or do I put the code on the next line right under the [/caption]? (which I tried to no avail) Or do I do a double space and then put the code and then double space again? There are so many places you can stick this thing :) When you have no clue what you're doing. I get what you're saying about putting it between B and C, I just don't know how exactly to do that and where exactly to do that. Please help the clueless out. Our blog name is Out of Our Minds . . . did we peg it or what? Thanks so much, you'll be saving my computer from almost certain death by sledge hammer! | | | | | |
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| | | If you were able to delete the follower, you are probably talking about a self-hosted WordPress blog. If that's the case, go to http://wordpress.org/support for assistance. | | | | | |
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| | | Wow, this blog looks incredible! Thanks for posting... *___* Hah, I was also slightly taken aback by the autoplay. |D; If I was skilled enough, I'd love to have my blog styled EXACTLY like this. :P | | | | | |
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| | | After writing my post today I got a little message that said: Post Published Edit this post View Post Get Shortlink This is your 642nd post. Woohoo! This post has 272 words. New comment notifications: email me Change Discussion Settings Want more readers? Read our quick guide to Getting More Views and Traffic. 1 subscribers have been sent a copy of the post. I poked around and found the subscriptions settings. It showed that this person has been following my private blog for 9 months and 1 week. This is the first I have heard about it. I deleted the follower, I have no idea how they were able to subscribe to my private blog - but they had a link to "en.gravatar.com" so maybe they were able to follow me through there. Even though I don't know who that stranger is, it is fairly traumatizing. I can't believe my private posts have been getting mailed out to strangers. Unbelievable. Needless to say, I won't be using wordpress anymore. | | | | | |
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| | | Thanks a lot! It worked like a charm. =) | | | | | |
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| | | Is there a feature on WordPress.com which automatically geotags photos & shows the location at the end of the posts? Like on Posterous - http://i53.tinypic.com/24p9dzd.jpg. | | | | | |
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| | | Sorry, you need to head over to the WordPress.org forums as that is where self-hosted wordpress blogs using the software from wordpress.ORG are supported. These forums are for those hosted here on the wordpress.COM free hosting service and things here work differently. If you are not familiar with the differences, see this support document. | | | | | |
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| | | Thanks again for all the advice. For whatever reason, our wordpress domain mapping service stopped working, which temporarily prevented our dot wordpress from working as well- as it was set as our primary domain. We're up and running, however temporarily without our subdomain. :( | | | | | |
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| | | This is most often caused by an open HTML tag in one of your posts. Go to settings > writing and select "WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically" and then click "save changes." Now, starting with your latest post, open it in the editor, switch from the visual tab to the HTML tab (waiting for the page to refresh) and then switch back to the visual tag (again waiting for it to refresh), and then click "update post." Check your blog and if it is back to normal, you are golden. If not, open the next post and do the same thing till it goes back to normal. | | | | | |
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| | | MACMANX YA LO HE INTENTADO VARIAS VECES, PERO ME APARECE EL SIGUIENTE MENSAJE: "El archivo se ha subido correctamente. Vamos a empezar a procesar su importación de inmediato." QUE DEBO HACER? GRACIAS POR LA AYUDA. SOMOS NUEVOS EN WORDPRESS | | | | | |
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| | | If they read the post on the blogs main page, then the "home" page will get the visit. If they go directly to the post itself, then the post will get the view. One suggestion, especially with longer posts, is to use the read more tag. That shortens the main page and makes it load faster, and also gets people to click on the read more tag which gives the post itself a hit. http://en.support.wordpress.com/splitting-content/more-tag/ | | | | | |
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| | | Hiya, I use the inuit types theme and enjoy the featured image option for my posts. But recently I've noticed on fruitfulbird.com that the featured image will also crop up twice in the body of my blog posts. it looks funny. it never used to happen. is there a glitch? Can you please fix? Thanks a bunch. Blog url: http://fruitfulbird.wordpress.com/ | | | | | |
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| | | How do you browse other people's blogs on wordpress.com? I found the tags section, but how do I search for even more specific topics? I tried the search bar, but it said there were no results. Is there an easier way to search for certain subject-related blogs? Thanks! | | | | | |
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| | | Thanks again, auxclass. I'll double check our CNAME record. But an improper CNAME record couldn't account for the dot wordpress to stop working, right? | | | | | |
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| | | I'm trying to adjust the CSS so the sidebar is a little wider and the body is a little smaller while preserving the current margins, but the math doesn't seem to be working out. I've tried adjusting all the numbers, and the sidebar either gets pushed down, or the margins get screwed up. Also, I suppose if the sidebar is widened to the left, the Search box will have to move to. Help! | | | | | |
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| | | i did both suggestions and my blog summary still showing for both. am i S.O.L? | | | | | |
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| | | With the theme Mystique, how can I have more than one featured post be displayed at one time? Is that possible? | | | | | |
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| | | I have been wondering why sometimes there are searches shown on the stats page and I know the topic was covered in a blog but that blog deosn't always show up on the list. Can someone explain this please? | | | | | |
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| | | Ok, that indeed answers my question :-) Thanks! Nil | | | | | |
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| | | Hi. You appear to have a self-hosted WordPress blog and are in the wrong forum. Please ask your question at http://wordpress.org/support You are currently in a forum for blogs hosted by WordPress.com and our answers will not apply to your situation. Thanks and I hope you find a solution to your problem soon. | | | | | |
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| | | No afraid not but it did start working again yesterday for about a hour on its own and now its stops it just says waiting for wordpress.com in the browser but never loads! | | | | | |
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| | | Once I published my post, the comments and sharing disappeared. There are no boxes for readers to comment. Followed all of the instructions in the support pages and they come back but then disappear. What's up? | | | | | |
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| | | Ok, so it's painfully slow in Firefox and IE 9, and you've "been there done that" with the cache clearing. Are these issues occurring on a work computer? Do you have more than one location that you can test from? | | | | | |
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| | | Instead of /feed/rss, try just /feed/ /feed/rss is actually the RSS v1 protocol, while /feed/ is RSS v2. As for summary vs. full content, you can control that via Settings -> Reading in your blog's Dashboard. | | | | | |
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| | | Forgot to set notification for followup posts. | | | | | |
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| | | I have been having trouble transferring a WP site from one server to another. Usually it is not this difficult but I seem to be having permission setting issues. First when I published the site "by the book", only some of the stylesheet information got transferred. So I started to adjust and set permissions to various folders so that perhaps maybe WP wasn't communicating properly with all the custom stylesheets. Now all my subpages have disappeared and I can not view any on the site except for the home page. Any help on what the permissions setting should be for all the folders? And maybe what they shouldn't be set at? Right now I have wp-admin set at 755 All system working after logging in, just can't preview the pages as they show up blank wp-content 755 Major failures across the board, all subpages are blank, home page lost its custom stylesheet data wp-includes 755 Apparent functionality Any suggestions. Many thanks in advance. | | | | | |
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| | | I have tried on numerous occasions to upload my videos from YouTube on my blog. It has worked in the past, but has not been working since I moved my blog from blogger to wordpress. If I am unable to post my videos then I do not see why I would continue to stay at wordpress. To upload I press the video icon in the new post, go to URL and copy and paste the address for my video. When I publish, nothing shows not even a link. I hope that you can remedy this situation as soon as possible. Thank you Blog url: http://thesoulreporter.wordpress.com/ | | | | | |
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| | | Going to settings > discussion and disallowing trackbacks and pingbacks does not resolve the problem. It would be great if your theme designers would create a free, full-width template, with a white or customizable background, with no sidebar, and no comments for those of us who are using our blogs to provide info rather than participate in discussion. It's confusing to the reader to disable comments but see a link that says "Leave A Comment". I feel that's a design flaw, and paying about $30 to fix that simple issue doesn't seem like a good solution. Thanks for answering. Hopefully our discussion will help anyone who has the same question. | | | | | |
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| | | There arent any errors in pulse. i typed in my blog exactly with /feed/rss and the blog came up as a summary in the "text" option and full text like a normal blog feed in the "web" section. I typed in my blog as /atom and the feed came up the way i wanted. so in that way i'm relieved but still frustrated that searching my name in Pulse does not produce my wordpress blog in the results. I still can only get summary text when i ask for feed, rss or atom, in firefox Is this normal? I feel like i'm on the right track and i thank you so much for your help | | | | | |
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| | | You can import your blog from Tools -> Import in your blog's Dashboard. | | | | | |
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| | | There's actually no option to indent your text, as browsers will strip out the excess spaces anyway. These days, a double space (like above) is more commonly used to denote a paragraph break. | | | | | |
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| | | http://chelseahopeblog.com/ appears to be properly directing here. It can take domain changes up to 72 hours (though usually much less) to propagate to your ISP. Unfortunately, we have no control over this as it all depends on how often your ISP refreshes their DNS cache. | | | | | |
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| | | visual editor has totally failed. I have tried all suggestions and using https made it work for a while but it is painfully slow to load or never loads at all and now the visual editor has failed again. this has happened in the last 2 weeks, using firefox and ie9 the problem remains! Blog url: http://ufohunterorguk.wordpress.com/ | | | | | |
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